5 Steps to Creating and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

Creating boundaries can be really hard, but if you take your time with each of these steps you will have healthier and happier relationships than ever before.

1. Observe.

Notice when certain things really upset you or you feel like someone is just being too invasive. What you are feeling is your own body’s natural set of boundaries. We all feel this whether we notice or not, and that’s why it’s important to take some time and observe it.

2. Be clear and assertive.

Now that we know what our natural boundaries are, we have to let people know. This doesn’t mean we have to be mean or rude, just straight forward and to the point. That way they will know what’s okay and what’s not okay.

3. Give yourself permission.

This will be the hardest for many of you, but the most important at maintaining our healthy boundaries. We often feel guilty or rude when we set up boundaries, but know that it’s all in the best interest of the relationship. By setting up healthy boundaries we can stop the passive aggressive way of getting our needs met, and also prevent other unnecessary fights. Truthfully, by setting boundaries we are actually helping you and the other people you are in relationship with.

4. Get outside support!

There are going to be times when we need that extra push to keep at it or communicate clearly and not be passive. It’s important for us to have other people in our lives who are there for support. This could be a good friend, therapist or support group. Anyone who isn’t in the relationship you are working on will do. They can offer there support and advice when we need it.

5. Self care!

As always we have to take care of ourselves in order to do any of this hard work. So make sure you are setting aside time for yourself so that you have the energy to create and maintain these new healthy boundaries.

courtesy of Kati Morton YouTube Channel


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